The faculty at the University of Missouri School of Law research, publish and teach in a wide variety of disciplines of the law. Where possible, the Law Library has provided open access to this body of work.
Submissions from 2013
A Primer on Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Law, Douglas E. Abrams
Confronting the Youth Sports Concussion Crisis: A Central Role for Responsible Local Enforcement of Playing Rules, Douglas E. Abrams
George Orwell’s Classic Essay on Writing: The Best Style “Handbook” for Lawyers and Judges (Part I), Douglas E. Abrams
Plagiarism in Lawyers’ Written Advocacy (Part 1), Douglas E. Abrams
Plagiarism in Lawyers’ Written Advocacy (Part II), Douglas E. Abrams
School Bullying Victimization as an Educational Disability, Douglas E. Abrams
Teaching Legal History in the Age of Practical Legal Education, Douglas E. Abrams
The Little League Champions Benched by Jim Crow in 1955: Resistance and Reform after Brown v. Board of Education, Douglas E. Abrams
The Project that Hurts Your Head: Simple Project Management for the Innovating Law Librarian, Cynthia Bassett and Resa Kerns
Scholarship Repository Launch Brochure, Cynthia W. Bassett
Scholarship Repository Launch Prezi, Cynthia W. Bassett
Freeing Morgan Freeman: Expanding Back-End Release Authority in American Prisons, Frank O. Bowman III
Sovereign Debt and the Three and a Half Minute Transaction: What Sticky Boilerplate Reveals about Contract Law and Practice, Andrea Boyack
Lost Options for Mutual Gain? The Layperson, the Lawyer, and Dispute Resolution in Early America, Carli N. Conklin
A Trademark Justification for Design Patent Rights, Dennis D. Crouch
Seed Patents, Patent Exhaustion, and Third Parties - Bowman v. Monsanto Co., Dennis D. Crouch
Stepping Aside as Dean, R. Lawrence Dessem
The True Value of a Law Degree, or, Why Did Thurgood Marshall Go to Law School?, R. Lawrence Dessem and Gregory M. Stein
Do You Know What's On Your Plate?: The Importance of Regulating the Processes of Food Production, Martha Dragich
Unwanted Exposure to Religious Expression by Government: Standing and the Establishment Clause, Carl H. Esbeck
Article 9 and the Characterization and Treatment of Tenant Security Deposits, R. Wilson Freyermuth and William H. Henning
On the Future of Tax Salience Scholarship: Operative Mechanisms and Limiting Factors, David Gamage
A Potential Game Changer in E-Commerce Taxation, David Gamage, Andrew J. Haile, and Darien Shanske
The Case for a State-Level Debt-Financing Authority, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
The Trouble with Tax Increase Limitations, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
Preferences Are Public Rights, Brook E. Gotberg
Restructuring the Bankruptcy System: A Strategic Response to Stern V. Marshall, Brook E. Gotberg
Constitutional Borrowing as Jurisprudential and Political Doctrine in Shri DK Basu v. State of West Bengal, Sam F. Halabi
The Beginning of the End?: Horne v. Department of Agriculture and the Future of Williamson County, Joshua D. Hawley
Leadership and Followership, Robert H. Jerry II
Leadership and Followership, Robert H. Jerry II
Lessons from Mediators' Stories, John M. Lande
Lessons from Teaching Students to Negotiate Like a Lawyer, John M. Lande
Reforming Legal Education to Prepare Law Students Optimally for Real-World Practice, John M. Lande
Family Lawyering: Past, Present, and Future, John M. Lande and Forrest S. Mosten
Physician Participation in Executions, the Morality of Capital Punishment, and the Practical Implications of Their Relationship, Paul J. Litton
Symposium Foreword: Bombshell or Baby Step? The Ramifications of Miller v. Alabama for Sentencing Law and Juvenile Crime Policy, Paul J. Litton
Blanket Retroactive Amelioration: A Remedy for Disproportionate Punishments, S. David Mitchell
Blanket Retroactive Amelioration: A Remedy for Disproportionate Punishments, S. David Mitchell
Property Rights and Modern Energy, Troy A. Rule
American Exceptionalism in Consumer Arbitration, Amy J. Schmitz
Ensuring Remedies to Cure Cramming, Amy J. Schmitz
Sex Matters: Considering Gender in Consumer Contracts, Amy J. Schmitz
Beyond McDonnell Douglas, Sandra F. Sperino
Discrimination Statutes, the Common Law, and Proximate Cause, Sandra F. Sperino
Revitalizing State Employment Discrimination Law, Sandra F. Sperino
Statutory Proximate Cause, Sandra F. Sperino
Collective Consumer Arbitration in Spain: A Civil Law Response to U.S.-Style Class Arbitration, S. I. Strong
Constitutional Conundrums in Arbitration: Book Review of Arbitration and the Constitution, S. I. Strong
Cross-Border Collective Redress and Individual Participatory Rights: Quo Vadis?, S. I. Strong
Cross-Border Collective Redress in the European Union: Constitutional Rights in the Face of the Brussels I Regulation, S. I. Strong
Discovery Under 28 U.S.C. §1782: Distinguishing International Commercial Arbitration and International Investment Arbitration, S. I. Strong
Mass Procedures as a Form of "Regulatory Arbitration" - Abaclat v. Argentine Republic and the International Investment Regime, S. I. Strong
Law School Marketing and Legal Ethics, Ben L. Trachtenberg
Regulators, Mount Up, Ben L. Trachtenberg
Submissions from 2012
Acronyms, Douglas E. Abrams
Bullying Victimization as a Disability in Public Elementary and Secondary Education, Douglas E. Abrams
How Not to File a Complaint, Douglas E. Abrams
How Written Advocacy Shapes Doctrine (Part I): Did Bad Briefing Decide Lochner v. New York?, Douglas E. Abrams
Plagiarism in Lawyers' Advocacy: Imposing Discipline for Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice, Douglas E. Abrams
Player Safety in Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect as an Injury Prevention Strategy, Douglas E. Abrams
The Twelve-Year-Old Girl's Lawsuit That Changed America: The Continuing Impact of Now v. Little League Baseball, Inc. at 40, Douglas E. Abrams
Side Letters, Incorporation by Reference and Construction of Contractual Relationships Memorialized in Multiple Writings, Royce de R. Barondes
The Canon at the Water's Edge, Thomas B. Bennett
Editor's Observations: It's Alive! The Federal Booker-Fix Debate Sirs, Frank O. Bowman III
Getting Away with Murder (Most of the Time): Civil War Era Homicide Cases in Boone County, Missouri, Frank O. Bowman III
Nothing is Not Enough: Fix the Absurd Post-Booker Federal Sentencing System, Frank O. Bowman III
Forward: Jim Devine's "Show Me Spirit", R. Lawrence Dessem
Financial Decision-Making for Adults Lacking the Capacity to Make Their Own Decisions, David M. English
A Religious Organization’s Autonomy in Matters of Self-Governance: Hosanna-Tabor and the First Amendment, Carl H. Esbeck
Defining Religion Down: Hasanna-Tabor, Martinez, and the U.S. Supreme Court, Carl H. Esbeck
Comments on Daniel Shaviro's Tax Reform Implications of the Risk of a U.S. Budget Catastrophe, David Gamage
A Better Way Forward for State Taxation of E-Commerce, David Gamage and Devin J. Heckman
Vendor Compensation as an Approach for State "Amazon" Laws: Part 1, David Gamage and Devin J. Heckman
Vendor Compensation as an Approach for State "Amazon" Laws: Part 2, David Gamage and Devin J. Heckman
On Tax Increase Limitations: Part II -- Evasion and Transcendence, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
The Saga of State "Amazon" Laws: Reflections on the Colorado Decision, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
Before Wisconsin and Ohio: The Quiet Success of Card-Check Organizing in the Public Sector, Rafael Gely and Timothy D. Chandler
International Trademark Protection and Global Public Health: A Just-Compensation Regime for Expropriations and Regulatory Takings, Sam F. Halabi
The Supremacy Clause as Structural Safeguard of Federalism: State Judges and International Law in the Post-Erie Era, Sam F. Halabi
Traditions and Belligerent Recognition: The Libyan Intervention in Historical and Theoretical Context, Sam F. Halabi
Title VII Works - That's Why We Don't Like It, Chuck Henson
Bad Faith at Middle Age: Comments on “The Principle without a Name (Yet),” Insurance Law, Contract Law, Specialness, Distinctiveness, and Difference, Robert H. Jerry II
Bad Faith at Middle Age: Comments on the Principle without a Name (Yet), Insurance Law, Contract Law, Specialness, Distinctiveness, and Difference, Robert H. Jerry II
Public Forum 2.1: Public Higher Education Institutions and Social Media, Robert H. Jerry II and Lyrissa Lidsky
Public Forum 2.1: Public Higher Education Institutions and Social Media, Robert H. Jerry II and Lyrissa Barnett Lidsky
How the Supreme Court Doomed the ACA to Failure, Thom Lambert
Teaching Students to Negotiate Like a Lawyer, John M. Lande
The Revolution in Family Law Dispute Resolution, John M. Lande
Principles for Designing Negotiation Instruction, John M. Lande, Ximena Bustamante, Jay Folberg, and Joel Lee
Not a Free Press Court?, Lyrissa Lidsky
Public Civil Discourse: A New Domain for Dispute Resolution, Richard C. Reuben
Bringing Mindfulness into the Law School Classroom: A Personal Journey, Richard C. Reuben
FAA Law, Without the Activism: What if the Bellwether Cases Were Decided by a Truly Conservative Court, Richard C. Reuben
Teacher, Mentor, Friend, Leader, Richard C. Reuben and Margaret L. Shaw
Airspace and the Takings Clause, Troy A. Rule
Airspace and the Takings Clause, Troy A. Rule
Access to Consumer Remedies in the Squeaky Wheel System, Amy J. Schmitz