The faculty at the University of Missouri School of Law research, publish and teach in a wide variety of disciplines of the law. Where possible, the Law Library has provided open access to this body of work.
Submissions from 2010
A Modern Theory of Direct Corporate Liability for Title VII, Sandra F. Sperino
The New Calculus of Punitive Damages for Employment Discrimination Cases, Sandra F. Sperino
From Class to Collective: The De-Americanization of Class Arbitration, S. I. Strong
Jurisdictional Discovery in United States Federal Courts, S. I. Strong
Coconspirators, “Coventurers,” and the Exception Swallowing the Hearsay Rule, Ben L. Trachtenberg
Forward: Symposium on Broke and Broken: Can We Fix Our State Indigent Defense System?, Rodney J. Uphoff
Regulating Offensiveness: Snyder v. Phelps, Emotion, and the First Amendment, Christina E. Wells
State Secrets & Executive Accountability, Christina E. Wells
Submissions from 2009
But 'Will it Write'? How Writing Sharpens Decision-Making, Douglas E. Abrams
How Not to Seek an Award of Attorney's Fees, Douglas E. Abrams
Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense, Douglas E. Abrams
Trading in the Marketplace of Ideas: Letters-to-the-Editor and Op-Ed Articles (Part II), Douglas E. Abrams
Stories of Crime, Trials, and Appeals in Civil War Era Missouri, Frank O. Bowman III
The Phases and Faces of the Duke Lacrosse Controversy: A Conversation, James E. Coleman, Angela Davis, K.C. Johnson, and Lyrissa Lidsky
Is Novelty Obsolete? Chronicling the Irrelevance of the Invention Date in U.S. Patent Law, Dennis D. Crouch
Nil: The Value of Patents in a Major Crisis Such as an Influenza Pandemic, Dennis D. Crouch
Forward: Sandra Day O'Connor, Earl F. Nelson, and State Judicial Selection and Retention Systems, R. Lawrence Dessem
Longmeyer Exposes or Creates Uncertainty about the Duty to Inform Remainder Beneficiaries of a Revocable Trust, David M. English, Turney P. Berry, and Dana G. Fitzsimons Jr.
Protestant Dissent and the Virginia Disestablishment, 1776-1786, Carl H. Esbeck
Why the Supreme Court has Fashioned Rules of Standing Unique to the Establishment Clause, Carl H. Esbeck
Federal and State Judicial Selection in an Interest Group Perspective, Rafael Gely and Michael E. Solimine
Participation and the Right to Health: Lessons from Indonesia, Sam F. Halabi
Dr. Miles is Dead. Now What?: Structuring a Rule of Reason for Minimum Resale Price Maintenance, Thom Lambert
A Middle Ground on Insider Trading, Thomas A. Lambert
Learning from Cooperative Negotiators in Wisconsin, John M. Lande
The Uniform Collaborative Law Act's Contribution to Informed Client Decision Making in Choosing a Dispute Resolution Process, John M. Lande and Forrest Steven Mosten
Anonymity in Cyberspace: What Can We Learn from John Doe?, Lyrissa Lidsky
Nobody's Fools: The Rational Audience as First Amendment Ideal, Lyrissa Lidsky
A New History and Discussion of 180-Day Exclusivity, Erika Lietzan, David E. Korn, and Shaw W. Scott
In With the New, Out With the Old: Expanding the Scope of Retroactive Amelioration, S. David Mitchell
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Landlords, Latinos, Anti-Illegal Immigrant Ordinances, and Housing Discrimination, Rigel C. Oliveri
Personal Autonomy and Vacatur After Hall Street, Richard C. Reuben
The Impact of News Coverage on Conflict: Toward Greater Understanding, Richard C. Reuben
A Downwind View of the Cathedral: Using Rule Four to Allocate Wind Rights, Troy A. Rule
Nonconsensual Nonbinding = Nonsensical? Reconsidering Court-Connected Arbitration Programs, Amy J. Schmitz
Research in International Commercial Arbitration: Special Skills, Special Sources, S. I. Strong
Submissions from 2008
America's Founding Editors, Douglas E. Abrams
It's A Blessing, Douglas E. Abrams
Plain-English Drafting for the 'Age of Statutes', Douglas E. Abrams
Trading in the Marketplace of Ideas: Letters-to-the-Editor and Op-Ed Articles (Part I), Douglas E. Abrams
We are the Products of Editing, Douglas E. Abrams
Services as Capital Contributions: Understanding Kovacik v. Reed, Royce de R. Barondes
Sentencing High-Loss Corporate Insider Frauds After Booker, Frank O. Bowman III
The Sounds of Silence: American Criminal Justice Policy in Election Year 2008, Frank O. Bowman III
The Patent Lottery: Exploiting Behavioral Economics for the Common Good, Dennis D. Crouch
Knowing Which Deanship is the Right One, R. Lawrence Dessem
Maybe Deaning is Not for You, R. Lawrence Dessem
The 60th Anniversary of the Everson Decision and America's Church-State Proposition, Carl H. Esbeck
The Application of RFRA to Override Employment Nondiscrimination Clauses Embedded in Federal Social Services Programs, Carl H. Esbeck
What the Hein Decision Can Tell Us About the Roberts Court and the Establishment Clause, Carl H. Esbeck
Managing California's Fiscal Roller Coaster, David Gamage
Card Check Recognition: New House Rules for Union Organizing?, Rafael Gely and Timothy D. Chandler
Four Lessons from the Whole Foods Case, Thom Lambert
Antitrust (Over-?) Confidence, Thom Lambert and Joshua D. Wright
An Appreciation of Marc Galanter's Scholarship, John M. Lande
Developing Better Lawyers and Lawyering Practices: Introduction to the Symposium on Innovative Models of Lawyering, John M. Lande
Practical Insights From an Empirical Study of Cooperative Lawyers in Wisconsin, John M. Lande
The Movement Toward Early Case Handling in Courts and Private Dispute Resolution, John M. Lande
Where's the Harm?: Free Speech and the Regulation of Lies, Lyrissa Lidsky
Nanoethics'? What's New?, Paul J. Litton
Non-Beneficial Pediatric Research and the Best Interest Standard: A Reconciliation, Paul J. Litton
Non-Beneficial Pediatric Research and the Best Interest Standard: A Reconciliation, Paul J. Litton
Responsibility Status of the Psychopath: On Moral Reasoning and Rational Self-Governance, Paul J. Litton
Is Acquisition Everything? Protecting the Rights of Occupants Under the Fair Housing Act, Rigel C. Oliveri
Health Courts?, Philip G. Peters Jr.
Resuscitating Hospital Enterprise Liability, Philip G. Peters Jr.
Confronting ADR Agreements' Contract/No-Contract Conundrum with Good Faith, Amy J. Schmitz
Curing Consumer Warranty Woes Through Regulated Arbitration, Amy J. Schmitz
Embracing Unconscionability’s Safety Net Function, Amy J. Schmitz
Ethical Considerations in Drafting and Enforcing Consumer Arbitration Clauses, Amy J. Schmitz
Complying with Export Laws without Importing Discrimination Liability: At Attempt to Integrate Employment Discrimination Laws and the Deemed Export Rules, Sandra F. Sperino
The "Disappearing Dilemma": Why Agency Principles Should Now Take Center Stage in Retaliation Cases, Sandra F. Sperino
Enforcing Class Arbitration in the International Sphere: Due Process and Public Policy Concerns, S. I. Strong
Privacy and Funeral Protests, Christina E. Wells
Submissions from 2007
The Right to a Reader, Douglas E. Abrams
The Writer's Theater, Douglas E. Abrams
Those Pesky Footnotes - Part I, Douglas E. Abrams
Those Pesky Footnotes - Part II, Douglas E. Abrams
Top 10 Stories You Probably Missed: Respect Brings Out the Best in Kids and Parents, Douglas E. Abrams
Fiduciary Duties in Distressed Corporations: Second-Generation Issues, Royce de R. Barondes
A National Putative Father Registry, Wells Conference on Adoption Law, Mary M. Beck
Investigating the Justice System Response to Domestic Violence in Missouri, Mary M. Beck, Brandi L. Byrd, M. Meghan Davidson, Niels C. Beck, and Gregory F. Petroski
American Buffalo: Vanishing Acquittals and the Gradual Extinction of the Federal Criminal Trial Lawyer, Frank O. Bowman III
A Tribute to Roger Groot, Frank O. Bowman III
Authorship, Audiences, and Anonymous Speech, Thomas F. Cotter and Lyrissa Lidsky
When Accommodations for Religion Violate the Establishment Clause: Regularizing the Supreme Court's Analysis, Carl H. Esbeck
Why Mortgagors Can't Get No Satisfaction, R. Wilson Freyermuth
The Law and Economics of Identity, Rafael Gely
Social Isolation and American Workers: Employee "Blogging" and Legal Reform, Rafael Gely and Leonard Bierman
Life, Health, and Disability Insurance: Understanding the Relationships, Robert H. Jerry II
Reflections on Leadership, Robert H. Jerry II
Reflections on Leadership, Robert H. Jerry II
Judging Judges and Dispute Resolution Processes, John M. Lande
Listening to Experienced Users, John M. Lande
Principles for Policymaking about Collaborative Law and Other ADR Processes, John M. Lande
Medium-Specific Regulation of Attorney Advertising: A Critique, Lyrissa Lidsky and Tera Peterson
Issues in the Interpretation of 180-Day Exclusivity, Erika Lietzan and David E. Korn
The Insignificance of Choice and Wallace's Normative Approach to Responsibility, Paul J. Litton
Undermining Individual and Collective Citizenship: The Impact of Exclusion Laws on the African-American Community, S. David Mitchell