Volume 79, Issue 4
Fall 2014
Front Matter
Anthony Lewis and the First Amendment
Adam Liptak
Anthony Lewis: What He Learned at Harvard Law School
Lincoln Caplan
Anthony Lewis: Pioneer in the Court’s Pressroom
Lyle Denniston
The Rigorous Romantic: Anthony Lewis on the Supreme Court Beat
Linda Greenhouse
Press Freedom and Coverage in the U.S. and Kosovo: A Series of Comparisons and Recommendations
Ben Holden
A Tiger with No Teeth: The Case for Fee Shifting in State Public Records Law
Heath Hooper and Charles N. Davis
Anthony Lewis
Dahlia Lithwick
Legal Journalism Today: Change or Die
Howard Mintz
Institutionalizing Press Relations at the Supreme Court: The Origins of the Public Information Office
Jonathan Peters
Setting the Docket: News Media Coverage of Our Courts – Past, Present and an Uncertain Future
Gene Policinski
As Today’s Tony Lewises Disappear, Courts Fill Void
David A. Sellers
Making Judge-Speak Clear Amidst the Babel of Lawspeakers
Michael A. Wolff
Navigating the Health Insurance Exchanges: Will State Regulations Guide Consumers or Chart Them Off-Course?
Kirsten Dunham
Notes and Law Summaries
Stand with Sam: Missouri, Survivor Benefits, and Discrimination Against Same-Sex Couples
Lesley A. Hall
Victims of Substantiated Child Abuse: Missouri’s New Reasonably Ascertainable Creditors
Alice Haseltine