Volume 48, Issue 3
Summer 1983
Muddle of the Middle Tier: The Coming Crisis in Equal Protection, The
Richard H. Seeburger
Constitutionality of Opt-Out Statutes Providing for Exemptions to Bankrupts
James C. Mordy, Brian H. Dunn, and Melanie Mann Johnson
Reply to Landes: A Faulty Study of No-Fault's Effect on Fault, A
Jeffrey O'Connell and Saul Levmore
Employer Liability for Assaults by Employees
Jeffrey A. Burns
Mark Twain: Doctoring the Laws
Kim M. Roam
State Taxation of Corporate Income: Formulary Apportionment of Income Earned in Interstate Commerce
Ketrina G. Bakewell
Standard of Reliability for Declarations against Penal Interest in Missouri, The
Kay Willenbrink Van Pelt
Tax Accrual Workpapers and IRS Summonses under IRC 7602: The Accountant Work-Product Privilege
Steve R. Looney