"Workplace Blogs and Workers' Privacy" by Rafael Gely and Leonard Bierman

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 2006


In this article we focus on a related issue. We discuss the development of blogs, and the virtual “space” where blogs and bloggers interact the “blogosphere” and their impact on the issue of workers' privacy. To some extent it would seem a bit of a contradiction to talk about privacy and blogging in the same article. Blogging, as we will discuss below, does not appear to be the most private of enterprises. There are, we argue, a number of interesting privacy issues raised by the development of blogs as an employee communication tool and by the way employers have reacted to it. In Part II we begin by describing what blogs are. We argue that the importance of the development of blogs and the so called “blogosphere” lies in the fact that it has created a new “space,” albeit a virtual one, where workers communicate.



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