Nicknames such as Boo Bear, Snookums, Sweet Precious Baby, or Cutie Patootie fondly show how owners might typically interact with their pets. With Americans spending approximately $95.7 billion on pets in 2019, the Uniform Trust Code expressly allowing trusts to care for deceased owners’ pets, and the COVID-19 pandemic bringing a sharp increase in dog adoptions, pets are becoming an ever more significant part of the American family. When a pet escapes or goes missing, most owners desperately want them to return home safely; microchipping is one proactive, reliable option for owners to help ensure they do.
Recommended Citation
Grace Hambuchen,
Dog Process or Due Pupcess? Federal Court Misses Opportunity to Modernize Pet Due Process Jurisprudence
Lunon v. Botsford, 946 F.3d 425 (8th Cir. 2019).,
86 Mo. L. Rev.
Available at: https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/mlr/vol86/iss4/9