

Werthen Gass


Thanks to a new Illinois law, alternative dispute resolution could play an important role in fighting mommy-vlogger clickbait in the coming years. It could allow us all to escape outrageous videos of exploitative parents crying on kitchen floors with titles such as “We’re getting SUED by our OWN CHILD?? *emotional* *with proof*”. On August 11, 2023, the governor of Illinois signed Illinois Public Act 103-0556 (“the Act”) into law, amending the current child labor laws in Illinois and adding a provision specifically pertaining to payment of child influencers. Essentially, the new law, which will go into effect on July 1, 2024, requires parent vloggers who feature minor children in their videos to set aside an amount of gross earnings in a trust to be accessible to the minor once they turn eighteen. Additionally, Illinois Public Act 103-0556 provides that if the adult vlogger knowingly or recklessly violates the Act, the minor may commence a legal action to enforce the creation and payment of the trust account.



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