Home > Law Journals > JDR > Vol. 2003 > Iss. 2 (2003)
This comment proposes the use of neutral fact-finding as a precursor to litigation of patent disputes. Section II begins with a brief introduction to the concept of patents and the system used in the United States for granting and protecting exclusive rights associated with patent grants. Then, Section III discusses traditional ADR processes available to resolve patent disputes and sets forth reasons those processes are not widely used. Finally, Section IV offers neutral factfinding as a solution to both litigation and traditional ADR process concerns with respect to resolving patent disputes
Recommended Citation
Brian Panka,
Use of Neutral Fact-Finding to Preserve Exclusive Rights and Uphold the Disclosure Purpose of the Patent System,
2003 J. Disp. Resol.
Available at: https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/jdr/vol2003/iss2/11