

The invitation to republish here the report on my study of mediators' ethical dilemmas was a very gratifying one. My hope was that this report would generate further thought and discussion on this important subject, and this symposium will certainly help to realize that aim. For this I am grateful to the editors of the Journal and their advisor, Professor Leonard Riskin. Moreover, the best part of this invitation was that it contemplated the publication of comments on the report from a number of well-known and thoughtful figures in the mediation field. This kind of public dialogue is something all scholars hope for, and I am pleased that it has occurred with this report. Waiting to read what the commentators had to say has involved some sense of anticipation, partly in wondering what they might find problematic in the study, but also - and moreso - in looking forward to what their comments would add to my own understanding of the issues. The wait has been well rewarded. With only a few qualifications, my view is that these comments genuinely advance the discussion of the issues addressed in the report



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