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This Note traces the history of the Seventh Circuit's recent use of Rule 11 in actions involving the circumvention of the arbitration process to that circuit's highwater mark decision in Hill v. Norfolk & Western Railway.1 " This history serves to illuminate the imperative delivered by Judge Posner, not only to members of the bar in the Seventh Circuit but to officers of the court nationwide: "Lawyers practicing in the Seventh Circuit, take heed!"
Recommended Citation
Robert K. Angstead,
Hey Counselor, Can You Spare a Dime - The Seventh Circuit's High-Water Mark in Curbing Meritless Challenges of Arbitration Awards - Hill v. Norfolk & (and) Western Railway,
1989 J. Disp. Resol.
Available at: https://scholarship.law.missouri.edu/jdr/vol1989/iss/11